Explore Jiga-dake: A Hidden Gem in Omachi City, Nagano & Toyama

Información básica

Nombre: Jiga-dake

Ubicación: Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Categoría: Montaña

Características únicas: Jiga-dake is renowned for its stunning alpine scenery, diverse flora and fauna, and offers well-marked hiking trails that suit all levels of adventurers.

Lugares de interés y atracciones

The key attractions at Jiga-dake include breathtaking panoramic views from the summit, vibrant wildflower fields during spring and summer, and excellent opportunities for photography, particularly during the autumn foliage. Hiking to the peak is a popular activity, with various trails offering different challenges and scenery. The area is also home to unique wildlife, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

Acceso e información sobre la zona

Cómo llegar: From Nagano Station, take the Alpico Kotsu bus towards Omachi. Get off at the Jiga-dake trailhead, which takes about 70 minutes.

Información sobre el aparcamiento: Parking is available near the trailhead for a nominal fee. Arrive early during peak seasons to secure a spot.

Atracciones cercanas: Explore the Omachi Onsen-kyo hot springs and the stunning Kurobe Gorge. The Toyama Bay is also a short drive away.

Alojamiento: Consider staying at local ryokan (traditional Japanese inns) or campsites around Omachi for an authentic experience.

Mejor temporada para visitar

Tiempo recomendado: Late spring through early autumn (May to October) is ideal for hiking and enjoying the natural beauty.

El clima: Summers are moderate, averaging 20-25°C (68-77°F), while winters can be snowy and cold, especially from December to March.

Consejos: Wear layered clothing, sturdy hiking boots, and don’t forget sun protection. Always bring enough water and snacks, especially for longer hikes.

Here are some stunning photographs capturing the beauty of Jiga-dake throughout the seasons creating picturesque landscapes that every visitor should experience.


Qué ponerse: Dress in layers, especially in spring and fall, and opt for moisture-wicking fabrics. Hiking boots are a must.

Reglas y etiqueta: Stay on marked trails, and respect wildlife. Carry out what you carry in and maintain cleanliness.

Consejos de seguridad: Always inform someone about your hiking plans and check weather conditions before heading out. Carry a first aid kit and emergency supplies.


1. 爺ヶ岳 – Wikipedia
2. 爺ヶ岳|気持ち良い稜線歩きに名物グルメも!1泊2日の中級者向け登山コース – Yama Hack
3. 爺ヶ岳(長野県)の最新登山情報 / 人気の登山ルート、写真、天気など – Yamap
4. 爺ケ岳 – 登山ガイド.com
5. 爺ヶ岳 チングルマの群生する山 | トコトコ登山 | 新まつもと物語 – Visit Matsumoto

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